Sunday, November 20, 2011

Bluetooth Ringtones?

I am with Cingular and i have a Razor cell phone and i want to be able to buy and share bluetooth ringtones but my problem is that i don't know what web sight to got to to get the ringtones. I don't want to use Cingular. Does anyone have any info that can help?!!

Bluetooth Ringtones?
the only one i can think of now? there are so many of them some good some bad is good and free, never had a problem with them i have downloaded around 40 ringing tones from them.
Reply:First, if you buy ringtones from Cingular or any other third party, they will be locked, and you will not be able to distribute locked files. Your best bet is to get a program known as Motorola Phone Tools (MPT) and use that to make and send your own, custom made ringtones.

To the idiot who claims they work at Cingular: You WILL NOT get a virus if you attempt to distribute locked ringtones, it will just not work. Mobile phones like the V3 are not capable of contracting viruses.

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