Sunday, November 20, 2011

Iphone ringtones?

hey ppl okay so heres my problem, i have an iphone and i really wanna get certain ringtones that itunes wont let me get, plz help me and give me a legit site that works with the iphone, or a way that i can get these ringtones that i actuall want.

also whats garage band. btw i have a dell laptop that runs on windows in case u needed to know like if i had a windows or a mac

Iphone ringtones?
now you can get ringtones off of myxer. i don't know if it matters what kind of computer you have. i don't think so. once you have picked the song that you want under the send to my phone it will say download for iphone. click that and then a box will open that says save and open. click save. it will save on your computer. once its there you will open both the folder its in and your itunes. it may already be in your itunes folder as a ringtone, but if its not then you will need to manually drag it there. once you sync your phone you will have ringtones.
Reply:you need a mac to make free iPhone ringtones sorry.

also garageband is an audio editing program included within the iLife mac software suite

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